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Orange County Carpenter Work Injury Lawyer

Orange County Carpenter Work Injury Attorney

Best Orange County Carpenter Work Injury Lawyer

Carpentry is an essential trade, and thousands of property owners, developers, and investors rely on professional carpenters every day throughout California. However, this type of work is inherently dangerous for many reasons. If you were recently injured while working in carpentry, an Orange County carpenter work injury lawyer is an essential resource to consult to determine your most viable recovery options.

Experienced Legal Counsel for Workers’ Compensation Cases in Orange County, CA

When you have suffered an injury while working in Orange County, it is vital to determine whether workers’ compensation is an available option to assist with your recovery. Most workers in California are covered by their employers’ insurance, as state law requires almost every private employer in the state to have workers’ compensation. However, independent contractors and some other workers are not covered.

An experienced Orange County workers’ compensation attorney can help determine whether you are eligible to file a worker’s compensation claim. This includes a review of your employment status and verification that your employer has accurately classified the nature of your employment. If you are eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim, having an attorney’s help can make the process much easier and faster to complete.

Canlas Law Group can provide guidance and support through all your recovery efforts following a carpentry injury in Orange County. You have a limited time in which to file your workers’ compensation claim, and you could have grounds for additional legal recourse if a specific party caused your injury. The sooner you reach out to our team, the more time we have to develop your case.

Filing Your Workers’ Compensation Claim in Orange County

If you work for an employer in Orange County as a carpenter, you are likely covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance if you sustain any injury while performing your job duties. Carpenters face many risks at work, including:

  • Injuries from falls. Falls account for many work injury claims filed in the United States each year. Falling from a ladder or scaffold can result in broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, back injuries and more.
  • Injuries from dangerous equipment. Carpenters often need to use mechanized saws, lathes, and various cutting and drilling implements to complete their work. These devices are capable of inflicting devastating injuries if they are misused or if they malfunction.
  • Repetitive stress injuries. Workers’ compensation insurance covers not only acute traumatic injuries but also injuries that manifest gradually over time from repetitive stress. Arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and various other soft tissue conditions are possible from carpentry work.
  • Illness from toxic exposure. Working on older structures or handling hazardous materials has the potential to cause severe adverse health effects. Some conditions may appear suddenly, while others will gradually manifest over time from consistent exposure, such as cancer or severe respiratory illnesses.

These are only a few examples of the risks carpenters face at work every day. If you are unsure whether you are eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim or if your injury qualifies for coverage, an Orange County workers’ compensation attorney can review the details of your situation and help determine your most viable path to recovery.

Filing Your Workers’ Compensation Claim in Orange County

If you are covered by workers’ compensation insurance and your employer upholds their responsibilities under state law, you should receive the forms you will need to file your workers’ compensation claim once you report your injury to your supervisor. You will likely need to undergo a medical evaluation from a workers’ compensation physician as part of the claim filing procedures.

The doctor you see will assign you a disability rating from 1 to 100 based on the severity of your condition. This rating will determine the extent of benefits the insurance company will provide. Your Orange County workers’ compensation attorney can be ready to address any unforeseen complications you experience with the claim filing procedures and help submit the claim to the insurance carrier.

If your claim is approved, the insurance company will provide two types of compensation. You will have all your medical expenses covered, and you will receive disability benefits that reflect your inability to work or your diminished earning capacity following the accident. The amount you receive and the time you can continue receiving these benefits depend on your prior average weekly earnings and the severity of your injury.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim for a Carpentry Injury in Orange County

Workers’ compensation insurance typically shields employers from civil liability for their injured employees’ damages, but there are exceptions to this rule that would enable an employee to bring a civil suit against their employer. It is also possible for a covered employee to have grounds for a third-party personal injury claim if someone outside of their work directly caused their injury.

If you are filing a third-party personal injury claim with your workers’ compensation claim, or if you are an independent contractor who cannot file a workers’ compensation claim, and you must pursue a civil suit against whoever caused your injury, proving liability will be essential to your recovery. Once you identify the party responsible for your injury and prove they are directly liable for your damages, you can claim compensation for the damages they inflicted.

Under California’s personal injury law, the plaintiff in a personal injury claim can seek compensation for any financial losses they directly suffered from the defendant’s actions, including property damage, medical expenses, and lost income. They also have the right to claim as much pain and suffering compensation as they believe to be appropriate to reflect the severity of their experience with the help of Orange County personal injury attorney.

If you choose Canlas Law Group to represent you in your recovery efforts following a carpentry work injury, you can rest assured that our team is fully prepared to advise you through all stages of a workers’ compensation claim as well as a personal injury action if you have grounds to file one. Our goal for every client we represent in Orange County is maximum compensation, and the sooner you get in touch with our team, the sooner we can start building your case.

FAQs About Orange County, CA Carpenter Work Injury Law

Do You Need to Prove Fault for a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

California uses a no-fault rule for workers’ compensation, meaning it is not always necessary to prove liability to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. However, if a specific party is directly responsible for causing your recent injury at work, you could have grounds to file a personal injury claim against them, and proving fault will be essential to success with this civil claim for damages.

Are All Carpenters in Orange County Covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

California law requires most employers in the state to have workers’ compensation insurance, so if you work for an employer, you are likely eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim under their policy. However, if you are an independent contractor, you must have your own work injury insurance, or you will need to file a personal injury claim against whoever caused your accident to recover compensation.

How Much Compensation Can I Seek for a Personal Injury in Orange County?

If you have grounds to file a personal injury claim against another party in Orange County, the law allows you to hold them accountable for the entire extent of financial losses you suffered from their actions. These may include medical expenses, future medical treatment costs, lost income, and lost future earning capacity if you were permanently disabled. You may also seek as much pain and suffering compensation as you believe appropriate for your injury.

Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer for a Work Injury Claim in Orange County?

There is no strict requirement for you to hire legal counsel after suffering an injury at work in California, but having legal counsel you can trust on your side will make your claim-filing process easier to manage. You will also be prepared to explore additional avenues of legal recourse that may be available to you and could enhance your recovery. You are more likely to succeed with your recovery efforts and maximize your recovery with an attorney’s help.

What Does It Cost to Hire an Orange County Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

Canlas Law Group accepts clients for workers’ compensation claims on a contingency fee basis. This means you will not be required to pay upfront or ongoing attorneys’ fees for our representation. Instead, our firm takes a percentage of the total compensation we recover for you, and only if and when we win your case. If we cannot recover a case award for you, there is no fee at all.

Contact Canlas Law Group Today

The right attorney can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of your recovery efforts following any injury at work. If you or a loved one works as a carpenter in the Orange County area and have suffered any type of work-related injury, our firm can help determine your most viable recovery options. Contact Canlas Law Group today to schedule your free consultation with an Orange County workers’ compensation attorney.
