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Los Angeles County Workplace Injury Law Blog

California Overtime Law 2025: All You Need to Know

The California overtime law is among the most thorough in the country, and it’s meant to safeguard workers and give them equal pay for longer hours. As of 2025, these regulations retain the emphasis on decent work practices…

California Lunch Break Law 2025 – All You Need to Know

California has very comprehensive and strong labor laws that prevent employers from taking advantage of their employees. These laws work to protect employees’ rights and provide them with the means they need to hold their employers accountable. One…

Can I Refuse Workers Compensation in California?

When an employee is injured at their place of work in California, they are entitled to certain rights under both state and federal laws. One of these rights is the ability to file a claim for compensation with…

SuperLawyers Recognized Christopher Canlas as a Top Rated Workers’ Compensation attorney for 2024!

Congratulations to Christopher J. Canlas for his first time recognition by SuperLawyers as a Top Rated Workers' Compensation attorney for 2024! The Super Lawyers patented selection process is peer influenced and research driven, selecting the top 5% of…

Can I Change My Workers’ Comp Lawyer in California?

Workers’ compensation is an invaluable economic lifeline for anyone who has suffered an injury while working, but many people encounter unexpected problems with their claims. If you have hired a workers’ compensation lawyer to help you, but they…

Are Unpaid Internships Legal in California?

The question “Are unpaid internships legal in California?” is a common question asked by many different students and employers across the state. With changing labor laws and more awareness of workers’ rights, the concept of unpaid internships has…

Can An Employer Ask Why You Are Sick in California?

“Can an employer ask why you are sick in California?” is a question that many employees and employers alike may find themselves asking. It’s important to understand what boundaries exist in the employee and employer relationship, especially when…

California 4-Hour Minimum Shift Law

State labor laws are designed to protect workers’ rights and ensure fair compensation. One area that often causes confusion is the rules surrounding shift lengths and pay requirements. While there isn’t a specific legal minimum shift length, the…

Do I Need Workers’ Comp Insurance for Myself in California?

If you are a business owner in the state, it is important to know your legal requirements when it comes to workers’ compensation insurance. Most employers are required to have this insurance, but if you run a single-person…

How Long Do You Have to Report a Work Injury in California?

Workers’ compensation exists to provide a safety net to injured workers, and almost all employers in the state are required to have workers’ compensation insurance. However, it is important to know your rights and responsibilities in this process…

What Does Workers’ Comp Cover in California?

Most people working in the state are at least somewhat familiar with the state’s workers’ compensation system, and they can file a claim if they are hurt at work. But in 2025, what does workers’ comp cover in…

Who Pays Workers’ Compensation Benefits in California?

Workers’ compensation benefits are a valuable tool that allow workers who have been injured on the job or developed a work-related condition or disease to receive payments for key expenses, such as medical treatment, lost wages, and vocational…

How to Calculate Workers’ Compensation in California?

Getting hurt on the job can be devastating and have long-lasting consequences. Fortunately, under California workers’ compensation laws, workers suffering from a work-related injury or condition are entitled to workers’ comp payments to ensure key expenses are covered…

What Happens After 104 Weeks of Workers’ Comp in California?

Workers’ compensation is a critical benefit that protects workers who have been injured in an accident on the job or developed a workplace-related illness or condition. However, depending on factors such as the rate of recovery and whether…

Do Undocumented Workers Get Workers’ Compensation in California?

In California, there were estimated to be 1.85 million undocumented immigrants in 2021 without work authorization. To sustain their livelihoods, undocumented immigrants often take on dangerous jobs, commonly in the domestic work, agriculture, and construction industries. Employers are…

What Happens to Medical Bills When Workers’ Compensation Is Denied in California?

Workers’ comp insurance is required to be held by California employers in to protect employees in the event of a workplace-related accident that leads to a disability. This insurance is no-fault, meaning the employee can receive benefits regardless…

How to Reopen a Workers’ Compensation Claim in California?

Injured workers who settle or close their California workers’ compensation claims should ideally have all of their past, present, and future expenses associated with their debilitating injury covered by the settlement. However, it can occur that a disability…

What Is Workers’ Compensation in California?

If you have been hurt at work, you may wonder, “What is workers’ compensation in California?” Many people have some working idea of what workers’ compensation is, but they don’t really take time to understand it until a…

How Much Does Workers’ Comp Cost in California?

Workers’ compensation insurance is a requirement for almost every employer in the state, but how much does workers’ comp cost in California? This insurance is relatively expensive compared to most other types of insurance, and workers’ compensation is…

When Will Workers’ Comp Offer a Settlement in California?

If you have recently suffered an injury at work, it is natural to ask, “When will workers’ comp offer a settlement in California?” Your benefits can help manage your medical care and offset the economic impact of your…

What Does a Los Angeles Workers’ Comp Lawyer Do?

If you have been injured on the job in Los Angeles, then you have likely heard about workers’ compensation benefits. However, you may be unsure about the details of how the workers’ comp system works as well as…

Most Common Types of Construction Site Accidents in California

California is one of the largest and fastest-growing states in the country, and with that comes the need for infrastructure expansion and renovation. The construction industry sits at the forefront of these development projects, with construction workers being…

California Workers’ Compensation Laws – Statute of Limitations

Getting hurt or sick due to job conditions or simply from work-related tasks can be extremely frustrating. This could involve getting hit with a heavy object on a construction site, chemicals in a factory slowly leading to cancer…

Is Workers’ Compensation Mandatory in California?

While there are federal laws mandating most employers to carry some form of workers’ compensation insurance, it is generally left up to each state to decide how it is implemented. In some states, whether or not workers’ compensation…

California Workers’ Comp Settlement Chart

Whether you broke your arm while on the job or suffered an injury so severe that you became disabled, you are entitled to compensation. However, seeking workers’ compensation can be overwhelming when you’re trying to recover. You likely…

How Often Should I Hear From My Workers’ Comp Attorney in California?

The workers’ compensation process in California can be overwhelming for an individual with no prior legal experience. One of the primary reasons to work with a qualified California workers’ compensation attorney is that they can keep you informed…

How Does Workers’ Comp Work in California?

Suffering an injury in the workplace is a challenging experience. California law protects injured employees, ensuring that they can receive appropriate benefits to recover physically and financially. However, the claims process can be complex, and those without the…

Pros & Cons of Hiring a Workers’ Comp Attorney in California?

For those facing the prospect of workers’ compensation proceedings in California, the decision to hire a California workers’ compensation attorney can be pivotal. The cost of quality legal counsel must be weighed against its potential positive impact on…

What Happens If I Get Fired While on Workers’ Comp in California?

Getting injured at work is a difficult and unfortunate event. Those who suffer an injury in the workplace are entitled to compensation through workers’ compensation. Unfortunately, some workers experience further hardship when they are let go or fired…

What to Do if Your Workers Comp Claim Is Denied in California?

Learning that your workers’ compensation claim has been denied can be upsetting due to the practical impact on your ability to support yourself and your family. Take comfort in knowing that a denied claim doesn’t always mark the…

How to Choose the Best Workers’ Comp Lawyer in California? 2025

Navigating the workers’ compensation process can be overwhelming, especially when you are trying to recover from an injury. Those without legal experience may miss crucial elements of their claim, leaving potential compensation unrecovered. By working with a qualified…

Silicosis in California: A Silent Threat to Construction Workers

Silicosis is a complex and terminal medical condition that results from repeated exposure to silica dust in the air. While it is most commonly diagnosed among workers in the engineered stone product manufacturing industry, it is also common…

Santa Maria Open Streets – ¡Calles Vivas!

Central Coast Legal Services (our branch office in Oceano, CA) will be participating in the Santa Maria Open Streets ¡Calles Vivas!  event this weekend. Please stop by our table and say hello. 2024 Santa Maria Open Streets ¡Calles Vivas!…

Work Restrictions for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in California

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a repetitive motion injury that is caused by repeated strain on the hands and wrists. The condition can be debilitating and can even require surgery in severe cases. It is often the result of…

Common Sedentary Workers’ Compensation Claims in California

Some disabled workers are not completely physically unable to work, though they are dealing with a long-term illness or injury that prevents them from performing their previous job duties at a full-time rate. In addition, in many of…

What Is Considered a Psychiatric Work Injury in California?

When a worker is physically injured on the job, it is typically easy to see the injury or diagnose an illness that has identifiable symptoms that can be confirmed via medical tests. However, when a work-related injury is…

When to Hire a Workers Comp Lawyer in California?

If you were injured at work, you might be in pain or under a lot of stress regarding your situation, from your workers’ compensation claim to unpaid bills. Workers’ compensation is important in recovering lost wages, so you…

How Much Does a Workers Comp Lawyer Cost in California?

There are many reasons injured workers seeking workers’ compensation benefits find themselves in need of a workers’ compensation attorney, but they may be concerned with the cost. After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of…

How To File A Workers Comp Claim in California?

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in California People generally do not intend to get injured. When they are injured it can be a frightening experience. Not only can an injury have a long-term impact on their ability to…

Workers’ Compensation for California Amazon Workers

State law upholds some of the most robust workers’ compensation laws in the country, requiring virtually every employer in the state to buy workers’ compensation insurance covering almost every employee. Amazon is one of the largest employers in…

Workers’ Compensation for Temporary Workers in California

If you suffer an injury at work, you are likely covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance policy. However, the nature of your employment dictates your eligibility, as some workers are exempt from workers’ compensation. If you are…

Is Workers’ Comp Taxable in California?

The workers’ compensation laws aim to provide financial relief to injured employees while allowing their employers to operate with greater confidence, shielding them from civil liability for injured workers’ damages suffered in the workplace. When a covered employee…

What California Workers’ Comp Lawyers Won’t Tell You?

California workers’ compensation law is a web of rules, regulations, and procedures designed to protect injured employees. However, it can often be daunting and complicated to navigate. Workers’ compensation lawyers are valuable allies in this process, but there…

Who Can Be Excluded from Workers’ Compensation in California?

Workers' compensation is a vital aspect of the American labor system. It provides financial support and medical care for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. While the majority of workers in California are entitled to these benefits,…

How Long Can You Be on Workers’ Comp in California?

Workers' compensation is a crucial safety net for individuals who have sustained injuries or illnesses due to their employment. In California, this insurance program provides various benefits. These include medical care, temporary disability, and permanent disability. It is…

California Final Paycheck Law 2025 – Workers Know Your Rights

The California Final Paycheck Law means employees should get their last paycheck on time. The state’s regulations lay out very specific deadlines and expectations employers should meet when a worker quits (either by firing or resignation). These are…

Colorism is a subtle but constant source of workplace racism

Some businesses make their racist employment policies obvious because they don’t have any employees from certain backgrounds. They may mistreat certain groups of workers or only promote people from specific backgrounds. However, just because a company hires and…

Do you have enough credits to receive SSDI benefits?

When you start your career, the goal is to hone your skills so that you can make better wages in the future. Whether you work as a teacher or a truck driver, your title and pay should improve…

Can you be fired for changing your religion?

When you took your job, your employer never explicitly asked you what your religion was, but it was fairly obvious to all involved. You could tell that most of the other employees in the office followed that religion.…

Did your employer intentionally misclassify you as a contractor?

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), millions of workers in the United States get misclassified as independent contractors by their employers. They do so to dodge federal and state employment tax payments and lower their labor expenditures.…

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