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Grocery store workers may face injuries on the job

You’ve worked at the local grocer for a long time, but over time you’ve noticed a change in how much you can work without pain. You constantly have to worry about weakness and strain in your neck and shoulders now. You think it’s from your job, so what should you do?

First step should be to notify your employer

People in your situation can often benefit from looking into workers’ compensation. It’s well known that grocery store employees often face injuries such as:

  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Cuts
  • Finger injuries
  • Back injuries

Out of everyone, it’s kitchen workers, baggers, stock handlers and cashiers who tend to suffer more injuries. However, it was cashiers and sales workers who had close to 30% of all injuries while only working 20% of the total hours.

Are common injuries covered by workers’ compensation?

Usually, yes. If you’re hurt in the normal course of employment, then there is no reason why your employer should not help you seek workers’ compensation. There are exceptions and times when a claim may not be approved, such as if you intentionally caused your own injuries or were intoxicated at work, but on the whole, if you’ve been hurt as a result of your job, you have a right to file a claim as an employee of the grocer.

What should you do if your employer doesn’t want to cover your injuries or put in the request for workers’ compensation?

If your employer doesn’t seem to want to put in the request for workers’ compensation or makes any kind of suggestion that they’re going to fight the claim, it’s important for you to reach out to your attorney. As an employee who is hurt, you have a right to pursue that claim, even if it isn’t approved and you need to appeal. Your employer should not try to prevent you from filing.

What do you need to do if your claim is denied?

If your claim is denied, it’s important for you to learn about the appeals process. Sometimes, workers’ compensation gets things wrong. If you’re hurt while working, you may want to provide medical documents to the insurance agent, so that they can see how you were hurt and why it’s linked to your job. Your attorney can also help you produce further evidence if it’s needed, like a video of the accident happening (if one exists) or witness statements that support your pending claim for workers’ compensation coverage.

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